Global OTT Solutions, LLC Apps

The Digital Ticket 1.4.1
WHAT IS The Digital Ticket? The Digital Ticket is a global providerof streaming movies, television and original content. The DigitalTicket is the first platform to offer previously unseen, highquality first run films and other great content to the public atabsolutely no cost. Your simple one-click-vote is why TheDigital Ticket has this great content and can give it to you forfree.   HOW ARE THE DIGITAL TICKET FILMS CHOSEN? TheDigital Ticket receives thousands of submissions fromfilmmakers, studios and distributors throughout the world tohave their film showcased and tested on The Digital Ticket. Weselect only the very best films through our exhaustive screeningprocess to ensure The Digital Ticket members are watching andrating only the highest quality films available. The best part? TheDigital Ticket will never ask you for your credit card, and willnever ask you for anything but your vote.   HOW IS TheDigital Ticket FREE? Your vote represents the first timefilmmakers, studios and distributors have the option to showcaseand test their films, television show or other content throughThe Digital Ticket’s proprietary ninety day screening process.Before The Digital Ticket, even the studios didn’t have access toreal-time, real-world global analytics prior to actualcommercial release. The Digital Ticket provides a dramatic newopportunity for filmmakers to glean valuable analytics fromour members while creating important global data and exposure thatbenefits film distributors, studios and filmmakers in wayspreviously unavailable.